Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Homework #8- process journal 5

Describe how you were able to communicate your ideas in the design process? How successful were you in creating a concept for a particular demographic? How well was your concept received? How were you able to make that determination? How were the techniques and equipment essential to the execution of your design? What were the key terms and ideas in this project?

I was able to communicate my ideas in the design process by thinking about things I like first. I was very successful because I put things that certain people would like.My concept was not received a lot but it still work andattractpeople. I was able to make a determination by evaualting my design.The ideas of this project was to connect people to attract my genre of the music.

Homework#7- process Journal 4

Reflect on your use of the design cycle. What in your opinion is the most important stage in the design cycle? What steps in the design cycle are you most likely to revisit in your process (For example will you plan and plan again, create and recreate, evaluate and reevaluate, etc.)? What was the most challenging stage in the process? How have you used your problem solving and inquiry skills in the design cycle?

The most important stage of the design cycle is the plan. I will mostly likely want torevisit is the create. I will want to make a design that will attract my audience. The most challenging was the plan because you have to think about a lot of things to make a CD cover right for you. I fix it by figuring out what kind of things the certain audience likes.

Homework #6 - process journal 3

What is the purpose of evaluating a product? Who will be involved in your evaluation? How will you use the data from your evaluation? What possible changes will you make depending on the results? How will you determine if you have conducted a good evaluation?

     The purpose of evaluating a product is to specifically see what others think about your album
cover. In evaluation you ask others questions about their opinion and whether they would buy the album or  not, and if they were to buy the product why would they. Using the data from your evaluation you can then either make changes to the cover or maybe even use their thoughts as referance to other products that you may want to create. You can determine if you conducted a good evaluation because the questions that you may have asked can lead to conversation. If you have good questions,conversating can help you with different ways that you may want to fix in future products that you want to create. 

Homework#5- Process Journal 2

  1.      At what stage of the design cycle are you? 
  2.      What have you accomplished this week? this week i have finished the front side of my cover.
  3.      What steps have you taken to accomplish your task? i have chosen my artist , chose a picture and used adobe photoshop to complete it.
  4.      What challenges have you encountered and how have you addressed those challenges? one challenge i have came across was learning how to use adobe photoshop. i have address these issues by asking the teacher ans taking my time.
  5.      How has formulating a concept helped you in the design process? this has helped  me in the design process to not come across a lot of challenges and plan things out.
  6.   What is your next goal and how do plan to achieve it? my next goal is to complete the cd cover on time, i plan to achieve it by taking my time in completing this.

Homework#4 - Process Journal

Describe the steps you have taken thus far in the design process in a full and complete paragraph of 5-8 sentences. Consider the following questions: What have you accomplished? What challenges were there? How were these challenges addressed? How have the design tasks guided the development of your project?

What i have completed  thus far includes basic steps that i have accomplished. As of the first step,  i chose the person/ artist that i wanted to do my CD cover on , i chose Trey Songz. Then the next step was to research the artist and gather up the important facts and as well as pictures.The challenges in this project were that when i had to complete the design brief and the CD cover folder that had to be done on the computer i wrote so much in the design brief and research that took a while. That was challenging. These challenges were addressed by editing what i had into more shorter well explained paragraphs.The design tasks guided the development of the project because it helped organize what i did and what needs to be done. It was used as sort of a check list that guided me to each of the steps.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Process Journal 2

  1.      At what stage of the design cycle are you?
As of right now in the design cycle i am still trying to figure out what picture i want as my cd cover. also how im going to put it together.
2.     What have you accomplished this week?
I have accomplished choosing my artist and finding some pictures  
3.     What steps have you taken to accomplish your task?
First i have choose my artist , then i have search google for my artists photos . then i asked my peers if these photos were acceptable.
4.     What challenges have you encountered and how have you addressed those challenges?
none at all 
5.     How has formulating a concept helped you in the design process?
Formulating a concept helped me to adjust certain issues quicker , it also helped to complete my design .                                                                      
6.  What is your next goal and how do plan to achieve it?
my next goal is to pick a title for my cover and then nicely put together . My next goal is to learn how to adobe illustrator properly.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Process Journal

Describe the steps you have taken thus far in the design process in a full and complete paragraph of 5-8 sentences. Consider the following questions: What have you accomplished? What challenges were there? How were these challenges addressed? How have the design tasks guided the development of your project? 
 So far in making my CD cover / Insert i have created my design brief draft , so that way i can write down what im creating and what my product is going to do . I then typed my design brief . I also researched information on my artist such as my artist biography . I also completed my Design Specification which specifically asked what i was doing with my product. A challenge during this process was writing my Design Brief explaining what i wanted to put in my CD cover and what my CD will do and it impact on others. The design tasks guided my development by getting brainstorming out the way.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Homework # 2

1.  What is the task?
    The task is to create a CD cover
2.   What is the problem? How can we create a… that will… ?
    We can create a Cd cover and insert that will attract a good audience and make money.
3.  Are we offering a product, a solution, or both?
  We are offering a product , that will be different in peoples eyes and inspiring to some.
4.  How will we attract our target audience?
We will attract our target audience by surprising with a CD , that will out shine . We will also attract them by using  something the audience will really enjoy .
5.What does our target audience want to see?
Our audience wants to see somethong they never seeen before and something they never heard of . They would also want to see how others feel about thos and decide if they enjoy it or not.
6. How do you think your audience will react to this ?
I think my Audience will surprised and also happy about this music .
7.Who will the CD Cover / Insert most likey target
Anyone who listens to rap music , hip hop . Also Fans of Trey Songz . It will also target teens and adults .
8. What do you think the outcome of the will be ?
I think the outcome of this , would be people enjoying the music. The Radio playing the music also alot of money will come .
9. Do you think people will approve of this ?
Yes i do think people will approve of this because its something different in a good way .
10. What is the main goal For this task ?
   To complete the CD Cover / insert and making sure it catches an audience attetion .

Sunday, October 2, 2011

HOMEWORK #1 10-2

  1. If branding targets prospects to recognize its product as having a solution to a problem, what problem does your brand address? 
The Brand most likely addresses Global warming , or peoples safety. Also the brand might address a way to make ones life easier

2. What solution does your brand offer?
This brand offers a solution to you not havin to carry a cd player or a radio everywere , having a Ipod is like music on the go . Music in your pocket .

3. Does the brand clearly convey that message? Explain how.
THE multicolored apple with a bite taken out of it is a reference to the Bible story of Adam and Eve, in which the apple represents the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge

4. Do you identify with the message? Explain why.
I don identify with message because Ipod and mac computers are like smart devices and the help you out a lot .

Monday, May 16, 2011






Sunday, April 10, 2011

Blog Entry#4.12 -progress (E)

The exact items i have on my cereal box is a background color,an extracted picture of my notable person, a extracted picture of the cereal i will use. The items that need to be added is the cereal name. my company name, my Cereal slogan and Other images. in Criterion F i would grade myself a 4 because i didnt fully complete my Cover but i did get some work done. I also Worked a Bit quietly and proceeded to completeing the task.

Blog Entry #4.10-Slogans (b)

1. Music in Every Bite !
2. I love my Bowls . My bowls Play musicG b"
3.Bite Bite Mmmhh Good


Blog Entry#4.9-Cereal Names (B)

1.Beethovan Bites
2.Beethovan Bowls
4.Piano pebbles
5.Classical Pops

Blog entry#4.8-target consumer (b)

The target consumer of my cereal box will be kids. My cereal box is targeted to kids because my notable person is a famous composer. I would like the kids to listen to his wonderful music. To  will also make the cereal look fun to eat. To target the childern I will also put a little music game in the back for the kids to play . In order to get the kids to like y cereal i will also make the box look colorful and fun.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Blog Enrty #4.7-image research

Blog entry #4.6-person research (a)

11.     : Ludwig van Beethovan
 3. Biographical Information
    a. (1770-1827)
    b.Place of Birth- archbishopric of Cologne [Germany] . Place of Death-Vienna,( Austria)
c. Parents-Johann and Maria Magdalena van Beethoven. Siblings-Anton Karl, Nikkolaus Johann, Maria Margretha Josepha
d. Education- Beethovan never completed elementry. Beethovan studied with Johann Georg Albrechtsberger, the best known teacher of counterpoint in Vienna. 
e. Occupation-Composer

4. Two-three Quotes (either about the person of from the person)
I despise a world which does not feel that music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy”, 
Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman.
Music is the “I despise a world which does not feel that music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.”
5. Significant contribution(s) to World History
Perhaps Beethoven's greatest contribution to music was his transformation of the sonata form, although rivaling that was his re-envisioning of the symphony into a freer and more expressive form
6. Ten terms related to the person
Music, Greatest Composer, Determined, Wise, Legend, Classical, Genius, Talented, Untamed, And Inspiring.

7. Timeline of at least five important dates in the person’s life
1770 -- Ludwig van Beethoven born on December 16 or 17 in Bonn, Germany
1787 -- Beethoven meets Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
1792 Beethoven meets Haydn

1808 -- Beethoven composes his 5th Symphony

1824 -- Beethoven composes his 9th (Choral) Symphony, including Ode to Joy

1827 -- Beethoven dies on March 26 in Vienna, Austria 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

blog entry 34.5-design breif(a)

i am going to design and make cereal box with a Notable figure . My notable figure is Ludwig van Beethovan. my cereal box will be targeted to adults. The goal of my product is to present a cereal box that will sell to adults. This cereal is suppose to interest adults in the liking of  Beethovan music. this cereal will aslo helo you eat healthy. A important elemement of this cereal will be the target of the cereal which is to eat healthier cereal. I do not wish to see many kiddie things or else it will seem as if it is targeted to children.

Blog entry #4.4-plan (c)

1. Fing info on your Notable figure
2. Create a cover and design with your notable figure for the cover of your ceareal box
3.Then find create more info to make the back of cereal box
4. make you side panel 1 with interesting thing about your nitable figure
5.make your side panel 2 with a timeline about your person
6. make your top panel which include a siginifance event about your person
7. make your bottom panel which should include a bibliography .

Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog entry #4.3- Adult Cereal Box (a)

1. Describe all of the ways the designer has targeted adults with this cereal box.
Answer: The designer didnt add much color or cartoons.Its just a plan box Advertising cereal
2. What gender of adult is targeted? What elements led you to this conclusion?
Answer: i dont think its targeted to any gender. But i do belive this cereal is targeted to people who want to eat healthy.
3. What is the advertising slogan?
Answer: There is no Slogan

Blog Entry #4.1-design task (a)

The Design task i will be completing for this class is to create box to honor a person from world history .The Beethovan one of the most acclaimed and influncial composers of all time. in adobe illustrator we have to create the front of the cereal box, back of the cereal box, two side panels and a top and bottom panel.

Blog Entry #4.2-Childrens Cereal Box (a)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

blog entry 3.12-process journal 3( e)

 The exact itmes that have been ade4d to my poster is Color , my name , a picture of the countrys monument , facts about the country, picture of the flag and a picture of a famous tourist site. What needs to be added is a map , countries current leader, and more facts about the country. I would give myself a 5 Because this week i moved myself from certain people and was quite threw class and had better organization.

blog entry #3.10-process Journal 2 (e)

Thus far i Have completed my sketch of the project. I also started making my poster . I have Added pictures and some text. My work can be improved if I had a little more time to think about what my poster would look like. Im not to sure on how i want my poster to look so its diffucult to choose things that will go on it. I would give my self beacuse i wasnt really organized in waht i wanted on my poster

Sunday, February 13, 2011

BlogEntry#3.8-Target consumer(B)

The tourists my poster will attract is someone who likes to live others people cultures. Someone who is interested in Boat riding through a forest. Also some one who enjoys cold weatger and like to go skiing. To attract this tourist i will add on my poster pictures and differnt locations were these activities take place.

Monday, February 7, 2011

blog Entry #3.5- Design brief(A)

Iam going to design and make a poster for a national tourism office. on the posters will be pictures of the country and information about the Country. The goal of the porduct is to atrract tourist to the country. To infrom people why they should come to this country. the product should be able to Show people how the country looks and what it offer. My target is for anyone that is  interested in the country

BlogEntry #3.7-Image Research (A)

BlogEntry#3.6-Country Research(A)

Blog Entry #3.6 – Country Research (A)

  1. Name of Country:Latvia
  2. Web Addresses of all Sources(copy and paste, ), ,  
  3. Basic Facts
    1. Capital City: Rija 
    2. Population: 2,231,503
    3. Monetary Unit/Currency: Latvian Lat
    4. Official Language(s): Latvian, which belongs to the Baltic language group of the Indo-European language family.
  4. Current Leader
Name and Photo:  President Valdis ZATLERS  
  1. Flag:
  2. Map of Country:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

BlogEntry#3.4-Process Journal 1(C)

To complete my project i will need to Add the Required text As of the name of country, capital city, name of current leader, officail languages, and name of currency.
Then i need to add Required images such as the flag, A map of country, current leader, monument, currency, and a minimum of 4 other images related to the country.
Another step is to make your poster on adobe illustrator with extracted photos, rotated photos and or text, layering of photos and text also text that uses various colors.

BlogEntry#3.3 -(A)Poster Research (A)

One thing in this poster that stood out to me us the Beautiful. The type of tourist it would be targeted to is people who like to swim alot and people who love the sun. the poster provides information From someone who visited the country and there experince there.

BlogEntry#3.2 -Dream Destination(A)

I would like to Visit India. I am interested in this country because I want to See how the culture actually is there. I want to see how they Live. During my visit I Would like to Ride Elephants, Dance with the no shoes on, I want to get a Henna tatoo, I want to Eat and learn their way of praying.

BlogEntry#3.1 -Design Task(A)

The Design task for technolgy class is to design a poster for a national tourism office.The goal of the poster is to encourage visitors to travel to the country and to promote the countrys culture. We randomly picked the countrys out of  box. The country i have chosen is Latvia. With my knowledge of usinq Adobe illustrator i will Make a poster about the country Lativia.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Blog Entry #2.21- Greeting card 3(BD)

This consumer targeted to this card is an grandparent
This design is less appealing because i dont think it really helps identitfy the holiday. Its also a little Dull. With not alot of colors. I could improve this card by adding colors and extra features

Blog Entry #2.20- Greeting card 3 (BD)

The consumer for this card is grandparents
The pictures in the front are to inspire the consumer to Like the holiday. the colors are also suppose to attract the cosumer.
In My sketch i didnt use alot of color. Also in my final card i added an extra feature to the Picture in the front

Blog Entry #2.19- Greeting card 2reject(BD)

the consumer for this card is an Adult .
This design is less appealing because i feel the card is a little boring. It just a Plain old greeting. But i do think the quote inside helps describe what the holiday really is.
I could have improved this card by adding more pictures and designs.

Blog Entry #2.18- Greeting card 2 (BD)

The consumer for this card is Adults.
the elements of the card that is suppose to appeal the consumer is the Print on the front which invites them to the festival. Also the words in the inside tries to interest the person in the festival.
 The only thing different about this sketch  and the card is the front I changed the pictures because on the card i wanted to illustrate how the festival would sinse the card was kind of an invitation.

Blog Entry #2.17- Greeting card 1 (BD)

The consumer for this card is a child
This card is less appealing because most children might think the picture is to dull and not exciting
To improve this card i would maybe try to add more color and fun pictures. But other then that everything is good the qoute is easy for the child to understand.

Blog Entry #2.16_greeting card 1 (BD)

The consumer for this card is an Child. Its targeted to a little kids.
The photo of the cupcakes is suppose to inspire kids to celebrate the holiday with fun. The cupcakes is also an example of a activity kids can do at the festival , they could bake cup cakes.
For the sketch i actually drew a picture of morracans. I also translated the quote in the card to Sapnish.

Blog Entry#2.15-Process Journal 4 (E)

So far for my greeting cards i have completed all the sketches. I have completed making up quotes for the cards. My worked could be improved by maybe if I added a little more color the cards. Or maybe  more designs on the inside of the car.
 I would give myself a 4. I use my imagination creativity to illustrate the card. I also tried to make goods quotes in a way the consumer can understand what were celebrating.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blog Entry 2.13 -process journal3 (E)

So far i have Finished 2 cards targeted for adults. I also completed cards targeted to kids. The work that stills need to be done is to edit my cards for kids because I didnt add my name in the back of the card. My work could improve by being organized with what picture is going to be targeted to a consumer.

Blog Entry#2.14-Progress(D)