Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Homework#5- Process Journal 2

  1.      At what stage of the design cycle are you? 
  2.      What have you accomplished this week? this week i have finished the front side of my cover.
  3.      What steps have you taken to accomplish your task? i have chosen my artist , chose a picture and used adobe photoshop to complete it.
  4.      What challenges have you encountered and how have you addressed those challenges? one challenge i have came across was learning how to use adobe photoshop. i have address these issues by asking the teacher ans taking my time.
  5.      How has formulating a concept helped you in the design process? this has helped  me in the design process to not come across a lot of challenges and plan things out.
  6.   What is your next goal and how do plan to achieve it? my next goal is to complete the cd cover on time, i plan to achieve it by taking my time in completing this.

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