Sunday, October 2, 2011

HOMEWORK #1 10-2

  1. If branding targets prospects to recognize its product as having a solution to a problem, what problem does your brand address? 
The Brand most likely addresses Global warming , or peoples safety. Also the brand might address a way to make ones life easier

2. What solution does your brand offer?
This brand offers a solution to you not havin to carry a cd player or a radio everywere , having a Ipod is like music on the go . Music in your pocket .

3. Does the brand clearly convey that message? Explain how.
THE multicolored apple with a bite taken out of it is a reference to the Bible story of Adam and Eve, in which the apple represents the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge

4. Do you identify with the message? Explain why.
I don identify with message because Ipod and mac computers are like smart devices and the help you out a lot .

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