Monday, March 28, 2011

Blog entry #4.6-person research (a)

11.     : Ludwig van Beethovan
 3. Biographical Information
    a. (1770-1827)
    b.Place of Birth- archbishopric of Cologne [Germany] . Place of Death-Vienna,( Austria)
c. Parents-Johann and Maria Magdalena van Beethoven. Siblings-Anton Karl, Nikkolaus Johann, Maria Margretha Josepha
d. Education- Beethovan never completed elementry. Beethovan studied with Johann Georg Albrechtsberger, the best known teacher of counterpoint in Vienna. 
e. Occupation-Composer

4. Two-three Quotes (either about the person of from the person)
I despise a world which does not feel that music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy”, 
Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman.
Music is the “I despise a world which does not feel that music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.”
5. Significant contribution(s) to World History
Perhaps Beethoven's greatest contribution to music was his transformation of the sonata form, although rivaling that was his re-envisioning of the symphony into a freer and more expressive form
6. Ten terms related to the person
Music, Greatest Composer, Determined, Wise, Legend, Classical, Genius, Talented, Untamed, And Inspiring.

7. Timeline of at least five important dates in the person’s life
1770 -- Ludwig van Beethoven born on December 16 or 17 in Bonn, Germany
1787 -- Beethoven meets Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
1792 Beethoven meets Haydn

1808 -- Beethoven composes his 5th Symphony

1824 -- Beethoven composes his 9th (Choral) Symphony, including Ode to Joy

1827 -- Beethoven dies on March 26 in Vienna, Austria 

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