Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Homework #8- process journal 5

Describe how you were able to communicate your ideas in the design process? How successful were you in creating a concept for a particular demographic? How well was your concept received? How were you able to make that determination? How were the techniques and equipment essential to the execution of your design? What were the key terms and ideas in this project?

I was able to communicate my ideas in the design process by thinking about things I like first. I was very successful because I put things that certain people would like.My concept was not received a lot but it still work andattractpeople. I was able to make a determination by evaualting my design.The ideas of this project was to connect people to attract my genre of the music.

Homework#7- process Journal 4

Reflect on your use of the design cycle. What in your opinion is the most important stage in the design cycle? What steps in the design cycle are you most likely to revisit in your process (For example will you plan and plan again, create and recreate, evaluate and reevaluate, etc.)? What was the most challenging stage in the process? How have you used your problem solving and inquiry skills in the design cycle?

The most important stage of the design cycle is the plan. I will mostly likely want torevisit is the create. I will want to make a design that will attract my audience. The most challenging was the plan because you have to think about a lot of things to make a CD cover right for you. I fix it by figuring out what kind of things the certain audience likes.

Homework #6 - process journal 3

What is the purpose of evaluating a product? Who will be involved in your evaluation? How will you use the data from your evaluation? What possible changes will you make depending on the results? How will you determine if you have conducted a good evaluation?

     The purpose of evaluating a product is to specifically see what others think about your album
cover. In evaluation you ask others questions about their opinion and whether they would buy the album or  not, and if they were to buy the product why would they. Using the data from your evaluation you can then either make changes to the cover or maybe even use their thoughts as referance to other products that you may want to create. You can determine if you conducted a good evaluation because the questions that you may have asked can lead to conversation. If you have good questions,conversating can help you with different ways that you may want to fix in future products that you want to create. 

Homework#5- Process Journal 2

  1.      At what stage of the design cycle are you? 
  2.      What have you accomplished this week? this week i have finished the front side of my cover.
  3.      What steps have you taken to accomplish your task? i have chosen my artist , chose a picture and used adobe photoshop to complete it.
  4.      What challenges have you encountered and how have you addressed those challenges? one challenge i have came across was learning how to use adobe photoshop. i have address these issues by asking the teacher ans taking my time.
  5.      How has formulating a concept helped you in the design process? this has helped  me in the design process to not come across a lot of challenges and plan things out.
  6.   What is your next goal and how do plan to achieve it? my next goal is to complete the cd cover on time, i plan to achieve it by taking my time in completing this.

Homework#4 - Process Journal

Describe the steps you have taken thus far in the design process in a full and complete paragraph of 5-8 sentences. Consider the following questions: What have you accomplished? What challenges were there? How were these challenges addressed? How have the design tasks guided the development of your project?

What i have completed  thus far includes basic steps that i have accomplished. As of the first step,  i chose the person/ artist that i wanted to do my CD cover on , i chose Trey Songz. Then the next step was to research the artist and gather up the important facts and as well as pictures.The challenges in this project were that when i had to complete the design brief and the CD cover folder that had to be done on the computer i wrote so much in the design brief and research that took a while. That was challenging. These challenges were addressed by editing what i had into more shorter well explained paragraphs.The design tasks guided the development of the project because it helped organize what i did and what needs to be done. It was used as sort of a check list that guided me to each of the steps.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Process Journal 2

  1.      At what stage of the design cycle are you?
As of right now in the design cycle i am still trying to figure out what picture i want as my cd cover. also how im going to put it together.
2.     What have you accomplished this week?
I have accomplished choosing my artist and finding some pictures  
3.     What steps have you taken to accomplish your task?
First i have choose my artist , then i have search google for my artists photos . then i asked my peers if these photos were acceptable.
4.     What challenges have you encountered and how have you addressed those challenges?
none at all 
5.     How has formulating a concept helped you in the design process?
Formulating a concept helped me to adjust certain issues quicker , it also helped to complete my design .                                                                      
6.  What is your next goal and how do plan to achieve it?
my next goal is to pick a title for my cover and then nicely put together . My next goal is to learn how to adobe illustrator properly.