Monday, March 28, 2011

Blog Enrty #4.7-image research

Blog entry #4.6-person research (a)

11.     : Ludwig van Beethovan
 3. Biographical Information
    a. (1770-1827)
    b.Place of Birth- archbishopric of Cologne [Germany] . Place of Death-Vienna,( Austria)
c. Parents-Johann and Maria Magdalena van Beethoven. Siblings-Anton Karl, Nikkolaus Johann, Maria Margretha Josepha
d. Education- Beethovan never completed elementry. Beethovan studied with Johann Georg Albrechtsberger, the best known teacher of counterpoint in Vienna. 
e. Occupation-Composer

4. Two-three Quotes (either about the person of from the person)
I despise a world which does not feel that music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy”, 
Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman.
Music is the “I despise a world which does not feel that music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.”
5. Significant contribution(s) to World History
Perhaps Beethoven's greatest contribution to music was his transformation of the sonata form, although rivaling that was his re-envisioning of the symphony into a freer and more expressive form
6. Ten terms related to the person
Music, Greatest Composer, Determined, Wise, Legend, Classical, Genius, Talented, Untamed, And Inspiring.

7. Timeline of at least five important dates in the person’s life
1770 -- Ludwig van Beethoven born on December 16 or 17 in Bonn, Germany
1787 -- Beethoven meets Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
1792 Beethoven meets Haydn

1808 -- Beethoven composes his 5th Symphony

1824 -- Beethoven composes his 9th (Choral) Symphony, including Ode to Joy

1827 -- Beethoven dies on March 26 in Vienna, Austria 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

blog entry 34.5-design breif(a)

i am going to design and make cereal box with a Notable figure . My notable figure is Ludwig van Beethovan. my cereal box will be targeted to adults. The goal of my product is to present a cereal box that will sell to adults. This cereal is suppose to interest adults in the liking of  Beethovan music. this cereal will aslo helo you eat healthy. A important elemement of this cereal will be the target of the cereal which is to eat healthier cereal. I do not wish to see many kiddie things or else it will seem as if it is targeted to children.

Blog entry #4.4-plan (c)

1. Fing info on your Notable figure
2. Create a cover and design with your notable figure for the cover of your ceareal box
3.Then find create more info to make the back of cereal box
4. make you side panel 1 with interesting thing about your nitable figure
5.make your side panel 2 with a timeline about your person
6. make your top panel which include a siginifance event about your person
7. make your bottom panel which should include a bibliography .

Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog entry #4.3- Adult Cereal Box (a)

1. Describe all of the ways the designer has targeted adults with this cereal box.
Answer: The designer didnt add much color or cartoons.Its just a plan box Advertising cereal
2. What gender of adult is targeted? What elements led you to this conclusion?
Answer: i dont think its targeted to any gender. But i do belive this cereal is targeted to people who want to eat healthy.
3. What is the advertising slogan?
Answer: There is no Slogan

Blog Entry #4.1-design task (a)

The Design task i will be completing for this class is to create box to honor a person from world history .The Beethovan one of the most acclaimed and influncial composers of all time. in adobe illustrator we have to create the front of the cereal box, back of the cereal box, two side panels and a top and bottom panel.

Blog Entry #4.2-Childrens Cereal Box (a)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

blog entry 3.12-process journal 3( e)

 The exact itmes that have been ade4d to my poster is Color , my name , a picture of the countrys monument , facts about the country, picture of the flag and a picture of a famous tourist site. What needs to be added is a map , countries current leader, and more facts about the country. I would give myself a 5 Because this week i moved myself from certain people and was quite threw class and had better organization.

blog entry #3.10-process Journal 2 (e)

Thus far i Have completed my sketch of the project. I also started making my poster . I have Added pictures and some text. My work can be improved if I had a little more time to think about what my poster would look like. Im not to sure on how i want my poster to look so its diffucult to choose things that will go on it. I would give my self beacuse i wasnt really organized in waht i wanted on my poster