Thursday, December 2, 2010

Blog Entry #2.3-Product Analysis 2 (A)

1. What holiday/event does the card represent?
2. What type of images are used – photos, cartoons or graphics? How do the images used connect to the holiday/event?
This is a Photo. the Christmas tree on the card connects to Christmas.
3. In your opinion, is the cover of the card attention-grabbing? Explain exactly why or why not. Consider the arrangement of elements as well as use of images, color and text.
I think the cover is attention grabbing because the lit christmas tree brings life to the card.
4. What text is written on the front of the card? Where is it located on the front?
"Hope this Christmas brings you a few peaceful moments..." It is located on the front at the top in the center.
5. What text is written inside the card? Where is it located inside the card?
"...Some slow time to fill your heart with everything the season means to you." Its located in the middle of the card.
6. In your opinion, does the text inside the card connect to the image(s) on the cover? Explain exactly why or why not.
Yes because its talking about the season. and how you should love it with your heart.
7. What types of information appears on the back of the card? (Do not copy it exactly!)
the cards company. The code bar. and a recycling sign.
8. To what consumer is this card targeted? (Consider age group, gender, race and/or religion.) What about the design led you to this conclusion?
i think its targeting to an adult because its not very child like . it would have been hard for a child to understand the text.

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