Sunday, February 13, 2011

BlogEntry#3.8-Target consumer(B)

The tourists my poster will attract is someone who likes to live others people cultures. Someone who is interested in Boat riding through a forest. Also some one who enjoys cold weatger and like to go skiing. To attract this tourist i will add on my poster pictures and differnt locations were these activities take place.

Monday, February 7, 2011

blog Entry #3.5- Design brief(A)

Iam going to design and make a poster for a national tourism office. on the posters will be pictures of the country and information about the Country. The goal of the porduct is to atrract tourist to the country. To infrom people why they should come to this country. the product should be able to Show people how the country looks and what it offer. My target is for anyone that is  interested in the country

BlogEntry #3.7-Image Research (A)

BlogEntry#3.6-Country Research(A)

Blog Entry #3.6 – Country Research (A)

  1. Name of Country:Latvia
  2. Web Addresses of all Sources(copy and paste, ), ,  
  3. Basic Facts
    1. Capital City: Rija 
    2. Population: 2,231,503
    3. Monetary Unit/Currency: Latvian Lat
    4. Official Language(s): Latvian, which belongs to the Baltic language group of the Indo-European language family.
  4. Current Leader
Name and Photo:  President Valdis ZATLERS  
  1. Flag:
  2. Map of Country:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

BlogEntry#3.4-Process Journal 1(C)

To complete my project i will need to Add the Required text As of the name of country, capital city, name of current leader, officail languages, and name of currency.
Then i need to add Required images such as the flag, A map of country, current leader, monument, currency, and a minimum of 4 other images related to the country.
Another step is to make your poster on adobe illustrator with extracted photos, rotated photos and or text, layering of photos and text also text that uses various colors.

BlogEntry#3.3 -(A)Poster Research (A)

One thing in this poster that stood out to me us the Beautiful. The type of tourist it would be targeted to is people who like to swim alot and people who love the sun. the poster provides information From someone who visited the country and there experince there.

BlogEntry#3.2 -Dream Destination(A)

I would like to Visit India. I am interested in this country because I want to See how the culture actually is there. I want to see how they Live. During my visit I Would like to Ride Elephants, Dance with the no shoes on, I want to get a Henna tatoo, I want to Eat and learn their way of praying.

BlogEntry#3.1 -Design Task(A)

The Design task for technolgy class is to design a poster for a national tourism office.The goal of the poster is to encourage visitors to travel to the country and to promote the countrys culture. We randomly picked the countrys out of  box. The country i have chosen is Latvia. With my knowledge of usinq Adobe illustrator i will Make a poster about the country Lativia.