Thursday, January 20, 2011

Blog Entry #2.21- Greeting card 3(BD)

This consumer targeted to this card is an grandparent
This design is less appealing because i dont think it really helps identitfy the holiday. Its also a little Dull. With not alot of colors. I could improve this card by adding colors and extra features

Blog Entry #2.20- Greeting card 3 (BD)

The consumer for this card is grandparents
The pictures in the front are to inspire the consumer to Like the holiday. the colors are also suppose to attract the cosumer.
In My sketch i didnt use alot of color. Also in my final card i added an extra feature to the Picture in the front

Blog Entry #2.19- Greeting card 2reject(BD)

the consumer for this card is an Adult .
This design is less appealing because i feel the card is a little boring. It just a Plain old greeting. But i do think the quote inside helps describe what the holiday really is.
I could have improved this card by adding more pictures and designs.

Blog Entry #2.18- Greeting card 2 (BD)

The consumer for this card is Adults.
the elements of the card that is suppose to appeal the consumer is the Print on the front which invites them to the festival. Also the words in the inside tries to interest the person in the festival.
 The only thing different about this sketch  and the card is the front I changed the pictures because on the card i wanted to illustrate how the festival would sinse the card was kind of an invitation.

Blog Entry #2.17- Greeting card 1 (BD)

The consumer for this card is a child
This card is less appealing because most children might think the picture is to dull and not exciting
To improve this card i would maybe try to add more color and fun pictures. But other then that everything is good the qoute is easy for the child to understand.

Blog Entry #2.16_greeting card 1 (BD)

The consumer for this card is an Child. Its targeted to a little kids.
The photo of the cupcakes is suppose to inspire kids to celebrate the holiday with fun. The cupcakes is also an example of a activity kids can do at the festival , they could bake cup cakes.
For the sketch i actually drew a picture of morracans. I also translated the quote in the card to Sapnish.

Blog Entry#2.15-Process Journal 4 (E)

So far for my greeting cards i have completed all the sketches. I have completed making up quotes for the cards. My worked could be improved by maybe if I added a little more color the cards. Or maybe  more designs on the inside of the car.
 I would give myself a 4. I use my imagination creativity to illustrate the card. I also tried to make goods quotes in a way the consumer can understand what were celebrating.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blog Entry 2.13 -process journal3 (E)

So far i have Finished 2 cards targeted for adults. I also completed cards targeted to kids. The work that stills need to be done is to edit my cards for kids because I didnt add my name in the back of the card. My work could improve by being organized with what picture is going to be targeted to a consumer.

Blog Entry#2.14-Progress(D)