Monday, September 27, 2010

Design Soecification

A poster
Its to illustrate the 10principles of the IB learner Profile
The audience is students in Thurgood Marshall Academy
The size requirments A little poster it doesnt really matter
Communication Reflection and Connecting Ideas
It should look easy in away that someone can read it.
A camera,Computers and People

Design Breif

Iam going to design 5 posters. Each poster is going to be based on the ten principles of an IB learner. These posters illustrate what each principle means and represents in our school. This project under took meaningful and relevant research to make the illustration outstanding.

The design will be very colorful. Each color kind of fits its word. The picture that will be on the poster will attract readers to read and observe the poster. Adding a picture to the poster will make it a lot easier for the audeince to understand.

Areas of Interaction

Approaches to Learning -study habits communication information reflection connecting ideas
Human Ingenuity-Desktop publishing marketing&Advertising
These are all the things that we need to have while doing our project. This will help us to succeed in completing our project.This will help us by having good communication with our partner. So that you and your partner can be on the same page.Using the computer will help us by illustrating our posters without having to draw and color. The computer will also help us with reasearch

Design Task

I have to work in a group and create a multi-page word document with a personal picture making each of the 10 principles of the IB learner profile. Each page includes picture, a caption and the title.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The main image in this poster is a guy helping a girl. I think the image in this poster is kind of off topic. It could have been better.Like a different picture to represent Caring. The colors are good they arent to crazy or wild.the words on the poster are touching.There placed at the bottom of the poster. The font is good  not too big not too small.
The main image of this poster is a girl holding differrent flags. I think this image does effectivily communitcate the meaning of the poster because it shows differents flags meaning different cultures.The colors dont really matter for me but i do like the phrase in this poster. The font is also good in a way that people can understand.The words on the poster are on the side of the poster probbaly to make it easier to understand the picture. The font was a good choice not to extrodinary in a way that people would be lost.
.The main image in this picture is a building with a huge clock on it. Yes the image in this poster does communicate the point of the poster it shows how perfect the building is, how clean it looks. This was a good choice of colors. I think the gold on clock represents the excellence and the windows of the building are so perfectly put together. I cant really read the words on poster but i think it says some about perfect crafting. the words are located at the bottom of the poster. I think there their to represent how outstanding the picture is. I think the font used was a great choice because shows how powerful the word can be